
MI-5, MI-6 and Churchill-Glance at London

 Vauxhall橋を渡ってMillbankを北へ歩き、MI-5本部が入る政府ビルを目指します。MI-6をGoogleで検索すると地図にも表示され、写真も出てくるのですが、MI-5の方は出てきません。そのため、所在地はChristopher Andrew博士のMI-5公式史書"The Defense of the Realm"で調べておきました。本部が入ると思われる建物はテムズ川沿いに建ち、対岸の右手にはMI-6本部が見える位置関係で、Millbank SW1にあります。
ロンドン市内の博物館では、第二次世界大戦中にチャーチルと政府が空襲を避けながら指揮を執った"Churchill War Rooms"を見学しました。現在は財務省と外務省の建物の地下空間に、政府幹部の執務室や会議室、作業室、電話室、更には、台所や寝室など多くの部屋が広がっており、戦時中そのままに保存されています。チャーチルがこの地下室で愛飲したシャンパンやワインのほか、在職当時の首相官邸の正面玄関ドアまで展示されていました。


"The French Experience of Counter-Terrorism"

Here are some citations from Shapio and Suzan (2003). They argue counterterrorism policy, system and measures in France which have functioned very well especially since 1990's. The crucial factor of France's counterterrorism is the magistrates which are charged with the special judicial system.

While the system is sometimes criticized from the human rights' and civil liberty's perspectives, France, indeed, has been successfully preventing terrorist attack in homeland since the late 1990's and contributing to allied states' fight against terrorism in terms of information sharing. For example, '[i]n December 1999, Ahmed Ressam, and Algerian trained in Afghanistanm was arrested after attempting to enter the United States from Canada; he was convicted for the so-called Millennium Plot that planned bombings in Los Angeles' (Rollings, 2011:21). The governemt of France conveyed the intelligence about the plot to the Canadian authority, which gravely contributed to thwarting the plot.

I think French counterterrorism policy and system are very good example, because they imply that their measures are empirical efficacy in combating against the linkage of terrorism and crime, and that counterterrorism are wide variety and different from states to states, rather than one-size-fit-all policy.

'French policymakers decided to vastly increase the French capacity to suppress attacks on French soil by strengthing the French police and judicial apparatus in the field of counter-terrorism. While suppression of terrorism can never be a perfect science, the French efforts addressed two interrelated problems that had made suppression particularly difficult in France: a lack of coordination and centralisation of anti-terrorist policies internally; and politicisation of the struggle against terrorism' (p.75).

'New and specialised organizations were created within the interior ministry (Unite de Coordination de la Lutte Anti-Terroriste - UCLAT) and the justice ministry (Service pour Coordination de la Lutte Anti-Terroriste - SCLAT), and were specifically charged with maintaining relationsips and information flows. The purpose of these organisations is to make connections between all of the various intelligence and police services with the French governement bearing on the question of terrorism....According to one of the authors of the legislation, this system was in part explicitly modelled on the US National Security Council and the interagency process it oversees' (pp.76-77).

'The 1986 legislation...centralised proceedings relating to terrorism in the existing Trial Court of Paris and left to normal judges the ultimate decision as to the outcome of the cases.' 'Under this system, a local prosecutor decides if a crime committed within his geographic area of responsibility is related to terrorism, based on a definition of terrorism as "acts committed by individuals or groups that have as a goal to gravely trouble public order by intimidation or terror". If an incident meets that definition, he refers the case to specialised prosecutors or magistrates within the Paris court' (p.77).

"The networks of thte diverse armed Algerian groups supported themselves through armed robberies and trafficking in credit cards and false documents such as passports. New legislative initiatives in 1995 and 1996, while not making any major changes to the French counter-terrorism system, helped the magistrates to target the logistics networks by codifying he notion that conspiracy to commit to terrorism was itself terrorism" (p.82).

'The magistrates consider the system a success: even though it is impossible to prevent all attacks, they nevertheless possess the means to generate a broad picture of the Islamist movement, one that permits them to dismantle networks very rapidly, to prevent many attakcs and to anticipate the evolution of a constantly mutating threat.' 'Two areas in particular have been the object of acerbic criticisms: the preventative round-ups and the associated indiscriminate detention fo suspects; and the broad powers given to the magistrates to conduct these sweeps and detentions with very little oversight' (p.84).

'[A]rresting a large numbe of people, in the view of the magistrates, makes it possible to carry out corroborated interrogations to maintain knowledge of perpetually evolving networks' (p.85).

'The Roubaix (gang) affair began with several leavily armed robberies in the Roubaix region in the period January-February 1996. The robberies originally appeared to have no relation to international terrorism. On the eve of the G-7 summit at Lille on 29 March 1996, however, the gang put a bomb in a car near police station; the bomb was discovered and dismantled. In the subsequent investigation, one of the members of the gang was identified....A subsequent investigation determined their link to the Islamist movement, but, despite this connection, the Roubaix gang were not typical Algerian guerrilla fighters. Rather, they were native-born French citizens and second-generation French North Africans who had converted to radical Islam in France and made their connections with the terrorist movement in Bosnia and Afghanistan' (pp.86-87).

'France and the United States, in particular, have numerous differences in their capacities, their cultures and the types of terrorist threats that they face. These differences mean that institutions cannot and should not simply be copied from one to the other, regardless of their efficacy in their original context.' 'From an historical standpoint, Fracne's experience with the threat of internal subversion has long allowed and even demanded the existence of powerful domestic intelligence agenies. As a result, the French intelligence services have built up an extensive system of domestic monitoring, particularly in the Arab community.' 'Finally, because France has lived so long under the spectre of terrorism at home, neither state officials nor the public views the problem as transitory or fixable, but rather sees political terrorism as an inevitable and permanent feature of modern life. French system therefore seeks to manage and minimise the problem rather than solve it' (p.88).

'Thus, for example, on lesson the magistrates were able to glean from this experience was the importance of attacking logistical and financing networks. Terrorist attakcs do not happen in vacuum. They are often prepared over a fairly long period, and require people in place to provide documents, shelter and directions, as well financing and the colleciton of intelligence on the target' (p.90).

'French authorities have been careful not to claim that al-Qaeda has no cells in France and, to the contrary, repeatedly assert that they believe al-Qaeda and other Islamist groups are active in France and indeed are targeting France' (p.94, note).

In fact recently, 'French officials declared that France is "at war Al Qaeda" following AQIM (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb)'s murder of a French hostage and AQIM issued several calls for attaks on France. A Franch national critical terrorism threat alert in September 2010 was attributed, in part, to a rise in AQIM threats, and in October, a message attributed to Osanma Bin Laden justified AQIM and other Al Qaeda attacks on France' (Rollings, 2011:19-20).

  • Rollings, J. 2011. Al Qaeda and affiliates: Historical perspective, global presence, and implications for U.S. policy. CRS Report for Congress, 25 January, R41070. Congressional Research Service.
  • Shapiro, J and Suzan, B. 2003. The French experience of counter-terrorism. Survival, 45(1), pp.67-98.


Al Qaeda in Pakistan

以前のエントリ"Bin Ladin in Abbottabad"で、CNNが昨年10月の時点でNATO関係者からOsama bin Ladinのパキスタン北西部潜伏情報を報じていたと記しました。2011年1月のCRS Reportでもその報道を取り上げています。

"CNN quoted a NATO offcial on Octorber 18, 2010 that assessments from the U.S-led coalition now say the two are likely in a settled area near the border with Afghanistan, and not living in a very remote uninhabited area" (Rollins, 2011:9).

この"the two"とは、bin LadinとAyman al-Zawahiriを指しています。

"Al Qaeda founder Osama Bin Ladin and his deputy, Egyptian Islamist radical Ayman al-Zawahiri, are widely believed to be hiding in northewestern Pakistan, along with most other senior operatives" (Rollins, 2011:10).

Rollins, J. 2011. Al Qaeda and affiliates: Historical perspective, global presence, and implication for U.S. policy. CRS Report for Congress, 25 January. R41070. Congressional Research Service.

結果的にパキスタン北西部のアボタバードに潜伏していたのはbin Ladinと彼の家族で、al-Zawahiriはいませんでした。それでも、おおよその場所を特定し、協力者を作ってbin Ladinを仕留めたCIAをはじめとする米国のインテリジェンス能力には脱帽です。作戦実行の半年以上も前に、こうしてニュースとして流れていたにもかかわらず、です。

CNNの記事では、bin Ladinとal-Zawahiriは別々に潜伏しており、特にbin Ladinは地元民とパキスタンの情報機関に守られて過ごしていると報じていました。

Starr, B. 2010. NATO official: Bin Ladin, deputy hiding in northwest Pakistan. CNN, 18 October.


Counterterrorism in cyberspace

6月7日付の"The Guardian"は一面で、アメリカの連邦捜査機関が過去に逮捕したハッカーたちを情報員として雇い、インターネット上の犯罪を捜査していると報じている。同紙によると「米国のハッカーのうち4分の1は捜査機関の情報員」といい、運用側の捜査機関はFBIとSecret Serviceと断定している。同紙の発行本国であるイギリスでも、ハッカーの情報を元にした逮捕事例があったという。


記事では、この捜査手法がネット犯罪やハッカー対策のためという意味合いが強い。しかし当然、テロ対策上の情報収集と捜査に運用されていたとしてもおかしくないだろう。先のエントリーで紹介したAudrey Kurth Cronin "How al-Qaida Ends: The Decline and Demise of Terrorist Groups"(2006, International Security 31:1)で彼女は、テロ対策としてサイバースペースの監視が重要だと強調している。

"The time has come to recognize that the stateless, anarchical realm of cyberspace requires better tools for monitoring, countermeasures, and, potentially, even control."

"This may seem a heretical suggestion for liberal states, especially for a state founded on the right of free speech"と譲歩しながらも、"the international community will inevitably be driven to take countermeasures in responces to future attacks"と警告する。

また、"Western analysts have been misguded in focusing on the potential use of the internet for so-called cyberterrorism (i.e., its use in carrying out attacks)"と、従来のネット監視の主眼を暗に批判した上で、"the internet is far more dangerous as a tool to shore up and perpetuate the al-Qaida movement's constituency.'と主張している。

Al Qaedaはテロ組織の中でも際立ってインターネットの利用が巧みであるというのが、テロ専門家の一致した見方だ。他方、今年起きている中東の民衆革命では、Facebook等のsocial networkが活動のプラットホームとして認知された。Cronin博士のこの論文が掲載された2006年時点では既に、米欧社会で広くFacebookは活用されていたはずだ。The Guardianの記事を合わせ読むと、既にハッカー情報員によるSNSの監視も行われているのかもしれない。


Bin Laden in Abbottabad






NATOの軍事力やintelligence能力について、現実には米軍に頼り切りであると、Syracuse UniversityのRenee De Nevers助教授が明らかにしています。

"NATO's Internatinal Security Role in the Terrorist Era." 2007. International Security, 31(4)

De Nevers助教授は「NATO軍はその能力を高める努力をする一方、平和構築・維持活動に従事するのも新しい貢献の形だ」と指摘しています。いずれにせよ、ビンラディン潜伏情報は当時、CIAと米軍内で共有され、CNNが接触したNATO所属の米軍関係者にも伝わっていたのかもしれません。



"Islamophobia", "Islamofascism"という言葉を生み出した前政権なら、大々的にアピールしたかもしれませんが、その点ではオバマ政権は慎重にしているように見えます。




The killing of Osama bin Laden


成功裏に終わった米国の作戦ですが、日本にとって最も注目すべきは、オバマ大統領が作戦実行を決断するまでに、国家安全保障会議"Natinal Security Council (NSC)" を4-5回開いたことだと思います。日本の新聞では、NSCのアジア担当部長が決まるたびに3面辺りで人事記事を掲載しています。マイケル・グリーン氏やビクター・チャ氏は同部長経験者として有名です。

NSCには米国の安全保障に関わる情報が大統領に報告され、方針を決める場です。このNSCを決断までに何度も開いて議論したということは、▽収集情報の発注▽情報収集▽分析▽情報の周知・共有▽分析▽発注者への報告--という"intelligence cycle"を繰り返した末の決断だったということです。intelligence cycleは安全保障で情報の講義で必ず習う基本中の基本です。現在ではビジネス・シーンでも応用されているようです。ビン・ラディンの潜伏情報は最後まで確証がなかった、と報じられていますから、NSCで議論と検討を重ねた上での大英断だったと推察されます。そのことは、複数の大統領に仕えた前国防長官ロバート・ゲーツ氏(元CIA)をして、「今まで見た大統領の決断の中で最も勇気ある素晴らしい意思決定だった」と言わしめています。

3月11日の東日本大震災発生直後から、混乱を続けている日本の菅政権の情報収集と分析、政策決定の過程はどうなっているのでしょうか。また、都合の悪い情報を"後出しジャンケン"のように発表すると非難されている東京電力は、intelligence cycleを機能させた上でそうしているのでしょうか。大震災後の混迷を遥か彼方、欧州の西端で耳にするにつれ、暗澹たる気分になります。

「殺害か捕獲」の命令を下したオバマ大統領でしたが、結局、ビン・ラディンは殺害され、海に沈められました。殺害命令はテロ対策の一つで"Targeted Killing"と英語では言います。Georgetown UniversityのDaniel Byman教授は、"Foreign Affairs"誌の2006年85(2)号に掲載された"Do Targeted Killings work?"という論文で、イスラエルの経験を根拠に基本的に反対の立場を表明、「殺害より逮捕が望ましい」としています。しかし「アフガニスタンやイラク、パキスタン、イエメンなど当該国の司法執行が機能していない所では、Targeted Killingは手段の一つになりうる」と述べています。現実に、米国の今回の作戦が国連などで問題視される一方、ビン・ラディンの潜伏をパキスタン当局が知っていたという憶測が飛び交っています。いずれにしろ、Byman教授にすれば今回の殺害作戦は許容範囲だということになるのでしょうか。是非伺ってみたい点です。

ビン・ラディンの死後、al Qaedaやイスラム過激派によるテロの行方に関する見方が各メディアで取り上げられていました。Paul R. Pillar教授は"Counterterrorism after Al Qaeda" (Washington Quarterly, 2004,27:3)と、"The diffusion of Terrorism" (Mediterranean Quarterly, 2010, 21:1)で、「ビン・ラディンが死んでもal Qaedaやイスラム過激派のテロはなくならない。なぜなら、過激派分子は既に世界中に伝播しており、al Qaedaはそのうちの一つのグループにしか過ぎない。テロがなくなることはない」と主張しています。Oxford UniversityのAudrey Kurth Cronin教授も"How al-Qaida Ends: The Decline and Demise of Terrorist Groups" (International Security, 2006, 31:1)で、同様の主張をしています。彼女はまた「al Qaedaは既に第四世代まで進化した」とし、「当初のビン・ラディンの掲げた思想や目標とは関係なく活動している面がある」と指摘しています。加えて、イスラム過激派の中にも、反西欧・文化の旗印のために活動するよりも、自分たちの組織存続のために組織的犯罪に走っているグループもあると述べています。

日本近辺で言えば、al QaedaとつながりがあるとされるJemaah Islamiahで有名なインドネシアでは、これまで認知されていなかった小規模グループや、lone wolfのテロリストによる事件が起きていると最近、報じられていました。フィリピンのMoro Islamic Liberation Frontは数年前に金目当ての組織犯罪集団に衣替えしたとされていますが、これらのグループは今後、どういう活動を起こすのでしょうか。特にインドネシアは天然資源に恵まれ、投資先としても有望なことから、経済活動の面でも情報収集と分析が欠かせません。


Human trafficking in Ireland

先月、人身売買"human traffcking"に関する外部識者の講演が大学院であった。講師は法務・平等・労働改革省の役人と国家警察"Garda"の捜査員。アイルランドの人身売買に対する取り組みを説明していたが、犯罪者に対する裁判所の量刑の短さに憤っていた点が印象的だった。講師によると、人身売買の罪に対しては終身刑まで問えるが、現実には懲役5-6年がせいぜいといったところだ。講演の目的の一つには、人身売買罪に対するそうした世論の意識を高めようという狙いがあったと推測される。一例として、政府の対人身売買キャンペーン"Blue Blind Fold"を紹介していた。





アイルランドは英国の他にも、国連、EU、欧州評議会"Council of Europe"、国際移住機関"International Organization for Migration (IOM)"などと協力。また、"Blue Blind Fold"では国際航空運送協会"The International Air Transport Association (IATA)"や、NPOの"TIRAZAH"と協力している。TIRZAHによると、アイルランドの性風俗産業は年間1億8000万ユーロの売り上げがあり、2007-2008年にわたる21カ月間で、102人の女性が人身売買によってアイルランドに送られてきた、としている。

人身売買は、薬物取引や武器類の密輸と並んで、組織犯罪の主な収入源だ。地域によっては、テロリストやテロ資金にもつながっていく。アイルランドでは「人道に対する罪」の観点が強く、国家警察Gardaがテロ資金まで遡って捜査をしているかは疑問だ。他方、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナやバルカン半島諸国で人身売買に手を染めている国際犯罪組織とテロリストの繋がりは、専門家によって指摘されているところだ。アメリカ国務省もそうした点を当然、把握したうえで、毎年詳細な"Trafficking in Persons Report"をまとめている。


余談だが、今年1月下旬に日本へ一時帰国した際、パリのシャルル・ド・ゴール空港で成田行きの便に乗り合わせたルーマニア人女性2人と到着後、言葉を交わす機会があった。ブカレストから来たという彼女たちが「迎えに来るはずの友人に電話をしたいのだが、公衆電話はどこか」と私に聞いてきたので、成田空港内で一緒に探そうしたところ、「友人が見つかったから、もういい」と言って手を振ってきた。彼女たちが落ち合った"友人"とは、英語をほとんど話しているようには聞こえない50歳代以上の痩せた日本人男性だった。"Trafficking in Persons Report"で日本に対する評価と分析が興味深い。


Irish Politics / Corruption


「アイルランドの政治は終わっている」と知人は言う。理由を聞くと、2月25日投票の総選挙で第一党となったFine Gael (統一アイルランド党)について、「今回の選挙に勝つことだけが目標だったからだ」という。Fine Gaelは、EUからの財政支援の利子を下げさせることを掲げて大勝したが、知人に言わせれば、「選挙目当ての公約」で実現困難、というところだろう。実際、ドイツのメルケル首相は利子引き下げを早々と拒否。また今後、独仏を中心としたEU加盟各国から、アイルランドの法人税率(12.5%)引き上げを求める圧力が再び増すかもしれない。Fine Gaelはそれらにどう立ち向かうか注目だ。

一方、歴史的惨敗を喫して政権与党から転げ落ちたFianna Fail(共和党)については、「銀行業界との癒着(Corruption)がひどすぎる」と怒りを露わにした。「ケルトの虎の奇跡」による好景気と、その後の不動産バブルに踊って融資を垂れ流し、バブルが弾け、不景気で債権が焦げ付いた銀行業界を税金で救ったのは、前政権与党のFianna Fail。その結果、国の財政を極端に悪化させ、今回の総選挙で惨敗した。国の屋台骨を揺るがす財政赤字は、政と民の癒着が原因と言わんばかりだ。

「Fine Gaelは今の民主党、Fianna Failは自民党というところだろう」。日本通の知人はしたり顔でそう例えてみせた。それならば、今後のアイルランド政府が指導力を発揮できず、どう混乱していくのか、しかとこの目で観察したい。

ところで、独・ベルリンに本部を置く"Transparency International"というNGOがある。1993年に設立され、世界各国の癒着・腐敗ぶりを調査し、毎年ランキングを出している。


2010年分の透明性ランキングをみると、デンマーク、ニュージーランド、シンガポールが1位で、アイルランドは14位、日本は17位だった。2001年まで遡ってみても、日愛両国は似たようなランクで抜きつ抜かれつしている。腐敗した世界の他の国々に比べれば、アイルランドとFianna Failも、日本と自民党もまだまだマシということなのだろうか。

アイルランドの銀行業界では、各行がAnti-Money LaunderingやCompliance職の募集を現在も行っている。知人が「癒着している」と名指しした、財政悪化の元凶ともいえる業界の実態を覗いて確かめたい気がしている。


Inside Terrorism

一学期の成績が17日、発表されました。予想通りの可もなく不可もない結果でした。ほとんど一筆書きで終わらせたエッセイもあったので、二学期はもっと早く書き上げて、じっくり検討し直す余裕を作らねばと反省しています。唯一の収穫は、国際法に興味を持てたことで、テロやテロ組織への反応を法制度の面から分析する目を養えたと思います。好きこそものの上手なれ、か、レポートもエッセイも楽しんで取り組めた国際法と武力行使の最終評価はFirst Class Gradeでした。

2月から二学期が始まり、3コマの選択必修では、Political Terrorism, American Foreign Policy, Politics in Eastern & Central Europeを選びました。American Foreign Policyは修士論文のテーマと直接関係ないのですが、米国は日本にとって必要不可欠な同盟国であるし、対テロ政策が外交にどう反映されているか、欧州から見た米国像、など興味は尽きません。せっかくFulbrightでアメリカ社会を研究する機会を与えてもらったので、更に米国の分析と理解を深めようと考えました。

修士論文に欠かせない講義の一つPolitical Terrorismでは、Bruce Hoffmanの"Inside Terrorism"を教科書にしています。HoffmanはやはりGeorgetownの教授で、留学当時、TerrorismやInsurgencyの講義を取ろうにも、大人気ですぐに締め切られていました。その著書が米国だけでなく、こちらでも教科書として使われています。久しぶりに読み返していて、議論の深さに感銘します。レファレンスも幅広く、「これだけの論文や本をどうやって読みこなして構成するのか」と驚くほど大量で充実しています。

Hoffman, B
Inside Terrorism

HoffmanやByman, Pillarといい、やはりGeorgetownは優秀な教授陣を揃えています。さすが、年間200-300万円の学費を要求しているだけはあります。付言すれば、Inside Terrorism拡大版の前書きに、"Yamazaki Mayuka"さんという日本人学生(2006年時点)への謝辞が書かれています。オウム真理教による一連のサリンガス・テロの資料を翻訳されたようですが、Hoffmanのような学者の作業をお手伝いされるなんて、素晴らしいし、羨ましい限りです。



こういった方々がおられたのか、と自分の無知が恥ずかしい限りですが、私はまず、Hoffmanの本をじっくり読むことをお勧めしたいと思います。Political Terrorismの講義の評価は7000 wordsの期末エッセイのみ。何としてでもFirst Class Gradeを取りたいものです。


Japan's vulnerability in AML/CFT

As far as money laundering in Japan concerned, property business is critically abused by organized crime syndicate, so called “Yakuza” or “Boryokudan”, nevertheless the government of Japan has not implemented strong and efficient measure yet, and the industry is seemingly reluctant to tackle with it. The problem is possibly related not only to Japan’s homeland security but also to international security. ‘The downturn in the Japanese economy [in 1990’s] has also led to the Yakuza spreading out from their traditional family/national base and looking for investments and business opportunities’ with numerous front companies (Lilley, 2006:23). In 2000’s, the Yakuza people allegedly makes profit through property dealing as well as stock investment in accordance with the temporal recovery of Japanese economy. Part of such illicit money shall be paid for drug trafficking with Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, the official name of North Korea) or arms smuggling from Southeast Asia, for example the ex-militant in Philippine.

On one hand, the land and territory of Japan is very small, on the other hand, its population is geographically quite imbalance. Namely, people, money and goods are highly concentrated in a few huge cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, or Nagoya. Land and property are lucrative for business especially in big cities with high density, therefore Yakuza groups exploit real estate for making money. Adelstein reveals that
The Tokyo Metropolitan Police compiled a list in 2006 of roughly one thousand yakuza front companies in greater Tokyo; about a fifth of them are real estate firms… Some police officers in Tokyo use the word “Realtor” as a synonym for yakuza, so strong are the connections (2009:89).
Although the business people of property industry recognize the fact that the industry and customers are sacrificed by Boryokudan and complain about that, they would not take strong action against Yakuza. It implies the deep-rooted relation between the industry and Boryokudan.

Japanese National Police Agency (NPA) held the round-table conference of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) in 2010 in which NPA heard opinion about Customer Due Diligence (CDD) from related industries such as financial sector and property dealer. In the series of discussion, the represent of real estate industry appeared to oppose to strict implementation of CDD in the name of customer satisfaction. Rather, they asserted, “Basically we hold attitude not to be involved in illicit dealing”. In fact, the number of Suspicious Transaction Report (STR) by property agent is very limited and negligible in Japan. According to NPA, among the total of 272,325 STRs, real estate industry submitted only 33 reports in 2009. In 2008, the number of STRs by the industry was 21 among the total of 235,260 STRs. Even if the industry lawfully monitors and adequately submits the reports, the number of reports is too small and in appreciable, considering the Yakuza’s business and its front companies. Consequently, it casts the doubt that CDD is effectively implemented in the property industry. However, neither strong action nor progress resulted in the round-table conference.

The property in Japan is assumed to be a key element or a linkage between Yakuza and Kim Jong-il regime of DPRK. According to NPA, the number of Yakuza and affiliated members is about 80,900 in total at the end of 2009. Of 80,900 Yakuza personnel, members are 38,600 and affiliates are 42,300. The GOJ unofficially estimates that nearly half of Yakuza members are North and South Korean-Japanese and their descendant. Meanwhile, the Kim regime saves money in cash of US dollar, Japanese yen, Euro, Swiss franc and so on, in addition possesses leisure homes, apartments and tenants of buildings in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Macau, Switzerland and Moscow at least (Ino, 2009:123-124). The press reports that the dictator of DPRK ‘has $4 billion “emergency fund” hidden in secret accounts in European banks’.

According to some sources, it is estimated that over US$ 500 million at least has been flowed and transferred from Japan to North Korea in recent years. The money contains donation, legal and illegal business, and supposedly profit earned by dealing with Yakuza. DPRK’s illicit money is consumed for its WMD and nuclear programme, arms and missile dealing with rogue states such as Iran, Syria and Burma, and eventually, it is posing grave threat to international peace and security. Thus, strict implementation and enforcement of AML/CFT measures in Japan’s property industry is contributed not only to break the link of Yakuza and DPRK, but also to disrupt rogue states’ network. NPA and GOJ should urgently take strong and proactive measure for financial intelligence particularly in real estate industry.

  • Adelstein, Joshua. 2009. Tokyo vice: an American reporter on the police beat in Japan. New York: Pantheon Books.
  • Ino, Seiichi. 2009. Kim Jong-il no yuigon [Kim Jong-il’s will]. Tokyo: Asahi Shimbun Publications.
  • Lilley, Peter. 2006. Dirty Dealing. London: Kogan Page.


WikiLeaks: Terrorism

Terrorism & WMD:


WikiLeaks: Balkan, North Korea, and Ireland

今更ながらのWikiLeaksです。研究分野や個人的に関心のある分野の記事を、The Guardianからまとめてみました。仏、独、西語もできれば、リストにもっと加えられただろうに。やはり語学は情報収集の上で重要です。

Balkan countries:

DPRK, North Korea:

Ireland, Northern and Republic:


Countering North Korea


Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) was labelled as axis of evil by President Bush in 2002. On one hand, DPRK has been developing missile programmes and nuclear weapons, on the other hand, they maintain the network and link to so-called rogue state and non-state actors such as Iran, including Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Syria, Hezbollah, and possibly Burma. The UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1718 and 1874 in response to North Korea’s first nuclear tests in 2006 and second one in 2009. Nevertheless, DPRK allegedly attacked South Korean Navy warship and killed 46 of its sailors on 26 March 2010, fired artillery shells at South Korea’s Yeonpyeong island and killed 4 people on 23 November 2010.

DPRK has been posing threat to international peace and security, disobeying the SC resolutions with showing defiance and perversity, and continuing its brinkmanship. Nonetheless, international community cannot conduct pre-emptive attack on them, insofar as necessity of attack and imminence of threat are proved as evidences. ‘In other words, a state may not military action against another state when an attack is only a hypothetical possibility, and not yet in progress—even in the case of weapons of mass destruction’ (O'Connell, 2002:11). Bush administration failed to prove it, therefore many states considered Operation Iraqi Freedom as unlawful attack, and rejected to accept the operation.

Even though Sofaer (2003:226) advocates that ‘[p]re-emption must be considered responsibly, on a case-by-case basis, but it remains one aspect of every government’s duty to protect its people’, approval or concession of pre-emptive attack as well as preventive one leads to necessarily wreak grave threat in international community. That is because rogue states such as DPRK would justify their use of force in the name of pre-emptive self-defence, learning from Bush doctrine and Operation Iraqi Freedom. The principle is that state(s) should exhaust peaceful alternatives before resorting to use of force.

O’Connell (2002:17-18) argues that ‘[i]f the Bush administration has convincing evidence of any serious threat to it from Iraq, it would stand a good chance of getting Security Council authorization to use force’. That might be true, however at least UN or the Security Council require a mechanism where member states have to prove the convincing evidence of threat posed on them as well as intelligence to other member states or Security Council. Insofar as such a mechanism is not established, pre-emptive attack and preventive use of force could not be legal military action.

Seven months after adopting UNSCR 1874, the South Korean warship was sunken allegedly by DPRK and 46 sailors were killed. Then, eight months later, North Korea attacked by bombs on the Yeonpyeong island of South Korea. International peace and security is jeopardized by a rogue country. The authoritarian North Korea is currently centred in rogue connection with Iran, Syria, possibly Burma and Hezbollah. Therefore, analysis of DPRK’s brinkmanship is productive for international community to deal with rogue state and non-state actor.

The Banco Delta Asia (BDA) case implies significant lessons. Firstly, coercive measure of criminalization such as the section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act is powerful, useful and influential to be imposed on targeted state. Secondly, the coercive sanction should be imposed on independently. Being separated from diplomacy, the measure would function much effectively. Thirdly, coercive measure of criminalization should not be legislated by only powerful country, but must be legislated and implemented by member states of international community in order to enhance the power and efficacy of the sanction. The lessons are true to the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) and the United Nations regime. The member states and participants of PSI currently operate on voluntary basis under the international law and domestic laws. If the PSI strongly recommends its member states and participants to legislate coercive measure of criminalization, it is assumed that the achievement of PSI operation would be successfully increasing.

As to dealing with North Korea particularly, People's Republic of China (PRC) ’s commitment is indispensable for international peace and security. Needless to say sincere implementation of UNSCRs, China must participate in the PSI and legislate coercive measure of criminalization. As demonstrated in the BDA case, coercive measure is damaging in the authoritarian state. Considering the fact that the dear leader, Kim Jong-il bribes and rewards the cadres and security forces, targeted coercive sanction on those high ranked members is the most effective. Again, DPRK is the core of rogue network. Accordingly to be concluded, coercive measure of criminalization is crucial strategy for international community to deal with not only North Korea but also other rogue states.

  • Byman, D. and Lind, J. 2010. Pyongyong’s survival strategy tools of authoritarian control in North Korea. International Security, 35(1). pp. 44-74.
  • O’Connell, M, E. 2002. The Myth of Preemptive Self-Defense. The American Society of International Law Task Force on Terrorism, Task Force Papers, pp. 1-21. Available from: http://www.asil.org/taskforce/oconnell.pdf
  • Sofaer, Abraham. D. 2003. On the Necessity of Pre-emption. European Journal of International Law, 14(2), pp. 209-226. 
Notice: Except for direct citations, this article also includes some ideas asserted by other scholars. However, this page is not for academic purpose but just for a weblog, therefore the author curtails of referring all of the books, articles and documents.

French counter-terrorism

昨年のクリスマス休暇は、友人家族の招待を受けてパリで過ごしたのですが、花の都で目にしたのは自動小銃を抱えた多くの警察官と治安部隊の姿でした。夏の終わりに続いてテロ警告が出ていたのかと思ったのですが、そうではなく、1990年代以降フランスにおけるテロ対策の姿だと理解しました。以下は、「国際安全保障」の期末エッセイで引用した論文からの抽出です。エッセイの出来は予想を裏切り、"first class student"の評価をもらいました。
  • 'The French authorities regect the idea that the Muslim community should be a "partner" in counter-terrorism and continue to use preventive arrests and extradition as primary counter-terrrorism measures. The French government also relied upon past experience: the policy of early disruption of group activities by means of forcible removals is regarded as faving been successful in countering the terrorist wave perpetrated by the Algerian GSPC in 1990s'.
  • 'The French provided the information needed to foil the plot for the Millennium attack on Los Angels Airport, when Ahmed Ressam was arrested on the Canadian border on 14 December 1999 with explosives in the boot of his car'. 'He [Ressam] was related to the so-called "Roubaix gang", which was also responsible for the foiled attack on the Strasbourg Christmas market'.
  • '[T]he French approach as crime-focused compared to the American "war against terror". The French state behaves in the "Latin model" ...and does not need to consult or seek public approval when acting in the sovereign realms of the state, which includes policing'.
  • '[T]he French authorities realised that they were unaware of the campaign of attacks prepared by Algerian terrorist groups in Paris. The turn-around came when the police put an end to a series of attacks in 1995 on the Paris Metro, a case that ended in 21 convictions of co-conspirators in 1999. In fact, suspected terrorists are not treated as ordinary criminals'.
  • 'In 2006, prior to the election of Nicolas Sarkozy to the presidency, the French government announced the preparation of reforms to counter-terrorism enforcement, which will reportedly strengthen the police's surveillance powers and also emphasise the prevention and monitoring of the social consequences of counter-terrorism'.

Klausen, Jytte. 2009. British Counter-Terrorism After 7/7: Adapting Community Policing to the Fight Against Domestic Terrorism. Journal of Ethinic and Migration Studies. 35(3), pp. 403-420.



DPRK official shopping site



