
Dublin gun murders

ダブリン市周辺でも射殺事件が相次いでいます。8/16のIrish Timesでは、元IRAメンバーとつながりを持っていたとされる25歳の男が、二人の子供とパートナーの前で銃撃され、ほぼ即死状態だったと報じています。今年の銃撃による死亡者は、これで18人目。被害者の男は、薬物取引や脅迫罪の前科がある上、元IRAメンバーから金をもらって複数の銃殺事件を起こしたとみられていました。


Victim of shooting linked to two murders
By CONOR LALLY and ÉANNA Ó CAOLLAÍ, Mon, Aug 16, 2010, the Irish Times



The Deployment of Irish Defense Forces

2009年中、アイルランド軍兵士の5人に1人が国際平和維持、協力活動に派兵され、その派遣人員数は過去最高とみられるとのことです。Irish Timesから。アイルランドは国連だけなく、NATOのミッションにも参加しており、派遣先はチャド、コソボ、レバノン、西サハラ、アフガニスタン。

One-fifth of Defence Forces served overseas last year
By CONOR LALLY, Wed, Aug 18, 2010, the Irish Times

ALMOST ONE in five members of the Defence Forces served on overseas missions last year, according to the joint annual report of the Defence Forces and Department of Defence.

The figure is believed to be the highest ever.

The UN’s peace enforcement mission in Chad accounted for the highest number of troop deployments, reaching 450 during each of three rotations. Nato’s mission in Kosovo played host to an Irish deployment numbering almost 220 at a time.

There were also smaller numbers of troops, usually less than 10, deployed to international missions in Lebanon, Western Sahara and Afghanistan.

The overseas deployment of Irish troops has fallen away this year because the Defence Forces is no longer in Chad and numbers in the Balkans have been scaled back.

The joint annual report also revealed a record level of activity by the Army’s bomb disposal teams, who responded to 196 call outs during 2009.

The Naval Service also experienced one of its busiest periods in recent years. Its personnel boarded 1,841 vessels last year during fishery protection patrols, detaining 15 boats.

Of the ships detained, four were Irish. There were five vessels each from the UK and France with one detention of a vessel from Spain.

The extent of the Naval Service’s activities during the security operation against protesters opposed to Shell’s Corrib gas pipeline in Co Mayo is also revealed, with five of the Navy’s ships on patrol in Broadhaven Bay for a total of 37 days.

The ships were providing support to the Garda Water Unit.

The Garda was charged with ensuring digging and pipe laying vessels working to lay an underwater pipe from the Corrib gas fields into Shell’s landfall site at Glengad, Co Mayo, were not disrupted. Work on the pipeline was stalled on safety grounds several times when protesters in kayaks paddled out to the pipelaying vessel.



DPRK propaganda

北朝鮮がYouTubeに続き、Twitterでもプロパガンダを呟き始めたという記事。8/16日にGuardianが報じた翌日、Financial Timesが追っかけたようで、Irish Timesにも転載されていました。


記事でコメントしたのは、英国のCranfield University, Hazel Smisth教授


Omagh-style bombing





アイルランド・Irish Times


Derry man charged with offences linked to car bomb
By GEORGE JACKSON, Tue, Aug 17, 2010, the Irish Times

A 52-YEAR-OLD old car breaker from the Waterside area of Derry appeared before the local Magistrate’s Court yesterday charged with offences linked to the dissident republican 200lb car bomb explosion outside the city’s PSNI headquarters on August 3rd.

Thomas Christopher Nash, Iveagh Park, Prehen, is charged with possessing a .22 rifle and 140 rounds of ammunition.

He is also charged with possessing an imitation AK47 assault rifle and an imitation P228 pistol as well as possessing a CS spray canister without the authority of the secretary of state.

All of the offences, which the defendant denies, are alleged to have occurred on August 9th, six days after the bomb explosion in Derry.

Last week Philip O’Donnell (42) from Baldrick Crescent in the city was remanded in custody when he appeared in court charged with carrying out the bomb attack.

A detective chief inspector from the PSNI’s major investigation team told District Judge Barney McElholm that Mr Nash was arrested in relation to the bombing.

He said police officers searched the defendant’s marital home as well as a second address where he lived.

“In the marital address police found the butt of an AK47 assault rifle hidden in the drawer of a bedroom cupboard.

At the second address where he lived officers found in a garage a .22 rifle, ammunition, a silencer, a sighting scope, three balaclavas and a pair of gloves.

“We also searched a pillar to the rear of the house. The pillar had a lid cemented on to it and when the lid was removed officers found a replica AK47 assault rifle from which the butt had been removed”, he said.

The defendant was remanded in custody and will appear in court again for a video remand hearing on September 9th.


Countering Counterfeit

De La Rue chief James Hussey resigns over banknote paper problems

By Zoe Wood and Graeme Wearden guardian.co.uk, Thursday 12 August 2010
世界150カ国以上に紙幣やトラベラーズ・チェック類を販売する"De La Rue"社の社長が、18機ある製造機械のうち、1機の不具合による製品(紙幣類)劣化の責任を取って先日、辞任しました。


De La Rue社は、問題の発覚で紙幣類の発送が遅れたと説明しているようですが、不具合や劣化の詳細を明らかにしていません。記事には、「(対象は)英ポンドや米ドル、ユーロの類ではない」とだけ書かれています。株価は一日で10%下落しました。

会社にとってみれば隔靴掻痒でしょう。説明責任を果たそうと、原因や不具合、対象紙幣類を詳細に説明すれば、偽造犯を利することになり、国家的、国際問題を引き起こしかねません。事件取材で多少の経験があるのですが、どこの国でも通貨偽造は国家の経済を混乱に陥れる重要犯罪とみなされるているからです。その点、De La Rue社の歯切れの悪さも理解できなくもありません。



余談ですが、2005年に北朝鮮が大量に偽造した米ドル紙幣をマカオの銀行に預金し、money laundering(資金洗浄)していた"Banco Delta Asia"事件が発覚、六カ国協議が中断されるなど外交問題にも発展しました。元米政府高官によると、この事件の端緒は2001年の9/11テロ直後のこと。国を挙げて同時多発テロの捜査や情報収集を進める中、偽造通貨事件を所管するSecret Serviceが偽ドル札を発見し、北朝鮮の国家犯罪であることを突き止めたということです。

As to a serious counterfeit crime, "Banco Delta Asia", a former US official explained in author's interview that  US Secret Service found counterfeited US dollar "Super-Note" firstly just after the September 11th terrorist attack and this was the tipping-off of Banco Delta Asia. The investigation was going on, then US authorities revealed the note was created by DPRK and verified North Korea's money laundering in Macau.

最後に、こういう会社があったのかという興味から、De La Rue社のHP



Iran sanctions strengthen Ahmadinejad regime – Karroubi
Exclusive: Former presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi tells Guardian US and British policy is a gift to Ahmadinejad regime

By Saeed Kamali Dehghan guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 11 August 2010

イランの反体制派指導者が、西側各国によるイランへの経済制裁はアハマディネジャド政権を強化するだけで無意味だ、との考えをThe Guardian紙に語っています。「キューバや北朝鮮を見よ」とも。




MI5 vs IRA

Cambridge UniversityのChristopher Andrew教授の著書"The Defence of the Realm~the Authorized History of MI5"を読み進めています。英国MI5の公式史書で、索引や脚注、写真などを含めて1000ページ以上あります。アイルランド関係で、興味深い一説を見つけました。




Andrew教授については、アメリカの情報機関出身の先生達も、"Queen's Intelligence"とか"Queen's Eye"などと表現して敬意を示していました。


私が知ったのは、今から約十年前、旧ソ連から英国へ亡命した元KGB職員の証言をまとめた、"The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB"が出版された頃です。テレビのCBSドキュメントでピーター・バラカンが紹介するのを見て、アマゾンがないその時代、新宿の紀伊国屋書店で急いで買いましたが、あまりの分厚さと難しさに何度も挫折しました。

同書は、米・Georgetown Universityの講義でも、参考図書の一つとして挙げられていました。米国関係で挙げれば、"For the President's Eyes Only"もAndrew教授の著作で、広く読まれている重要図書です。

"The Sword and the Shield"とは、KGBのエンブレムのデザインから取られたタイトルと思われます。同書は私が歴史の裏側に強い関心を持つきっかけとなった一冊だったことから、このブログ名に借用させてもらいました。


The New NGA Chief


First woman to head major US intelligence agency

By KIMBERLY DOZIER, The Associated Press, Monday, August 9, 2010; 2:38 PM

FORT BELVOIR, Va. -- Letitia A. Long became the first woman director of a major U.S. intelligence agency Monday, taking her post as chief of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency at a ceremony at the agency's half-built, high-tech campus in Springfield, Va.

Long saluted what the relatively new agency has accomplished, from aiding troops on the battlefield, to helping draw together intelligence from across the national security spectrum.

"I have never seen an agency as young as the NGA do so much in so little time," she said of the organization, which was established in 1996.

She spoke before several hundred VIPs from the intelligence and special ops community on the roof of a parking garage next to her future offices. The "Jetsons"-style rounded wedge of buildings is rising from a vast construction site at Fort Belvoir. The NGA's staff, now spread among several sites across the Washington metropolitan area, is slated to relocate there by fall 2011.

Long's 32-year career has led to a series of senior management positions: deputy director of Naval Intelligence, deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence and, most recently, second in command at the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Long's old boss and mentor, James R. Clapper, newly confirmed as director of national intelligence, noted her 32 years of service, with 16 of them often working in agencies under his purview. Clapper warned her that as soon as he is sworn in as DNI, his "meddling" would continue in her next mission.

Long thanked him for "taking a chance on a young executive, way back when," and said she welcomed the meddling to come.
Long represents the vanguard of women in the intelligence community.

Women represent 38 percent of total intelligence work force, according to Wendy Morigi, DNI spokeswoman. In six of the most prominent agencies, 27 percent of senior intelligence positions are held by women.

A spokesperson for the NGA, Susan H. Meisner, had identified Long as the first woman to lead one of the nation's 16 intelligence agencies, but later conceded that women have led smaller intelligence agencies such as the State Department's intelligence arm.

Long has taken over one of the "top computer geek shops" in the national security world. The NGA synthesizes satellite imagery, using everything from the number of electric lines a city has to the density of the soil, to create three-dimensional, interactive maps of every spot on the planet. They're used by everyone from invading troops gauging whether a country's roads or deserts can handle tank tracks, to oil spill cleanup crews trying to decide where to deploy resources.

Long has the science-and-technology credentials to do it, with a degree in electrical engineering from Virginia Tech, and a masters in mechanical engineering from the Catholic University of America. Together with those high powered jobs, Annapolis-born Long and her husband have raised three daughters.

Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Calif., said Long's "experience and position make her an important role model for all the women in the intelligence community." Eshoo is a member of the House intelligence committee and a longtime proponent of women in top intelligence roles.

Some of Long's new women staffers at the NGA say her example will surely change how the largely male-dominated work force sees them. However, women in their thirties and forties at these agencies say the climb they face is small compared to Long's fight, against an older generation that hadn't yet witnessed women in combat or a woman come so close to capturing the nomination for U.S. president.

Yet some of those women out in the national security trenches say the fight's far from over.

Intelligence executive Carrie Bachner, a former Air Force officer, worked as the legislative adviser to Charles Allen when he was the Department of Homeland Security's top intelligence official.

That meant she advised him daily on how to deal with the 86 congressional committees responsible for DHS oversight.

Still Bachner says, when she'd walk into a room of officials with Allen, "they'd automatically ignore me, assuming I was the executive assistant....until they'd realize, 'Oh, wow, she's the person we're supposed to talk to.'"

Bachner says she still experiences that, as president of her own intelligence consulting firm, Mission Concepts Inc. "They are taken aback when I introduce myself," she said. "They're looking for the real president, and well, that's me."

Northern Ireland

北アイルランドは今年、英国本国から司法権を移譲されたと記憶しています。それを狙ったかのように、というのは言い過ぎかもしれませんが、治安情勢はよくないようです。以下はThe Guardianから。

Northern Ireland's chief constable warns of dissident republican threat
Police chief says 'absolutely reckless' groups are capable of another Omagh bomb-style massacre

by Henry McDonald, Ireland correspondent guardian.co.uk, Monday 9 August 2010

Northern Ireland's chief constable warned today that dissident republicans are "absolutely reckless" and in danger of causing another Omagh bomb-style massacre.

Matt Baggott described the threat from the Real IRA, Oghlaigh na hEireann and the Continuity IRA as severe as ever.

"These are the same people or the same mindset that ultimately led to the Omagh tragedy all those years ago," the head of the Police Service of Northern Ireland said during a visit to Derry today.

The chief constable held talks with traders and residents caught up in last week's bomb attack on Strand Road police station.

"They offer no solution to the future except going back to the past. They are absolutely reckless," he said of the dissident groups.

Baggott said potential victims who escaped over the last seven days included a policewoman and her baby, a kebab shop owner and elderly people forced out of their care home in Derry due to the bombing.

It also emerged today that dissident republicans almost killed a toddler during an attempted murder bid on her mother, a Catholic police officer in Co Down.

The child was strapped into a seat in the back of a car when her mother started the vehicle in Kilkeel on Saturday. An explosive device fixed underneath the vehicle then fell off. Security sources told the Guardian today that the dissident bombmakers were having problems with magnets used to attach their devices to cars.

"Once they get that right it is only a matter of time before they kill someone," one senior detective said.

The murder bid has sparked further controversy after the officer's uncle, a former Sinn Féin councillor, refused to condemn those behind the attack. Martin Connolly, an independent republican councillor in Newry and Mourne, said he did not want to engage "in the politics of condemnation" – a standard line Sinn Féin representatives used when the IRA was still involved in violence during the Troubles.

Local Democratic Unionist party assembly member Jim Wells said that in the light of the Kilkeel booby trap attack, it was now inaccurate to dismiss the dissidents as just a gang made up of a few disgruntled republicans.

"We've seen a week with dissident attacks in Londonderry, Bangor and now Kilkeel; the message is very clear – the dissident threat is throughout Northern Ireland. Those who are saying it's one or two isolated pockets are totally wrong," he said.